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Striper Fishing Charter Boats RI

Have an adventure on the water, go on an exciting striped bass fishing trip.

A Rhode Island striper fishing charter is a great family activity when searching for things to do while on vacation in Rhode Island, south county or anywhere along Narragansett Bay.

Striper Fishing charters are one of the great pastimes in you can engage in during your time in Rhode Island.  Block Island is famous for its striped bass fishery and thousands of boats visit its waters every year.  Everyone wants to get thet trophy fish of lifetime and there are some big fish out there during the summer in the Ocean State. 

Every year there is an explosion of plankton that brings in vast schools of baitfish that bass & blues love to feed on.  These schools of bait reach the waters around Block Island and many of them stay there for an extended period of time, and the stripers and blues stay around the island to feed on this mass of food during the fishing season.  This provides us with excellent fishing action during our charters.

Our captains shown here are experts who have been fishing these waters for many years and always do their best to put you on the fish.  There won’t be any boat rides with these guys, just good fishing action.

There are several other species that provide good action and great table fare during our fishing season.  Summer flounder are caught in good numbers every year here in RI and are a great eating fish.  Many scup are caught during the fall fishing season, from September to October.  Tunas of various species also show up in our waters and are a fight you won’t soon forget.  Tautog are the ugliest but the best fighting and eating fish you can catch in the Rhode Island.  We have an excellent tautog fishery here starting in September and running through into December.    We also have an active scup fishery and during september and October many scup are caught in our waters.

We fish Narragansett, Newport, Pt. Judith, the south shore, and Block Island.

Page last updated December 21, 2011.

Striper Fishing Charters

36lb Striper caught on Rhode Island Fishing Charters

Beautiful Striper caught with sand eel plastic bait




copyright 2006-2012 Striper Fishing Charter Boats in Rhode Island

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